Web Design Firm Facilitates Marketing!

web design firms

Does your web design firm have a passion and deep understanding of online marketing? Do they know what brand elements will enhance and differentiate your business from competitors? Will you receive a website that conveys value proposition to visitors within seconds? Or, will your website fall short of its purpose and fail to attract more customers? These are questions a marketer must consider carefully. After all, this is your company’s image and reputation we are talking about. Just imagine trying to have a conversation about value proposition or brand equity with a web design firm that’s never heard of the terms. That experience does not provide a high level of comfort one would expect on such a vital project such as creating a business website. Hiring the right web design firm is no simple task but hiring one with little marketing expertise can be a costly blunder.

Let’s face it; communicating value isn’t as easy as it sounds. And your website is a HUGE marketing and communications tool. A strategically built website developed from scratch is a powerful way to drive organizational performance. When a Marketing Director gets tasked with a full re-design of the company’s website, it’s a serious investment that requires a knowledgeable web design partner.


web design firm

Web Design Firm Facilitates Marketing

Let’s use the following terms to illustrate a simple example

  • branding
  • value proposition
  • targeting
  • positioning
  • competitive advantage
  • integrated marketing communications

Does your web design firm have a strong grasp on these terms? A deep understanding of such marketing concepts is fundamental to the success of your new business website. A top web design firm should facilitate marketing and advertising initiatives through the digital solutions offered. This may also include a deep understanding of paid media, and how the pieces work seamlessly with SEO and SEM. Your business website is the most important online marketing tool your business can have. Some businesses overlook this fact and fall short of harnessing the true power of a well-crafted business website. While this tool can help your business succeed it can also cause serious damage to your brand if not built strategically.

It’s the blend of creativity, innovation and deep marketing expertise that must be applied to your new business website. It’s the fabric that makes up the very foundation of all digital solutions and allows your new business website to communicate, engage and convert like never before. After all, where does your website live? It doesn’t live down the street or next to the 7-Eleven. You can’t find it inside a shopping mall and you certainly can’t walk up to it and take a seat while waiting for your morning coffee. Your website lives online and unless your web design firm has that marketing foundation and understanding you are missing out on an enormous opportunity to hit a home run with a new business website.

An interior decorator can make your living room look gorgeous but they can’t build you the house of your dreams from the ground up. Our recommendation is simple; don’t entrust your most critical online marketing tool to a web design company that doesn’t have an expert level understanding of marketing.

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