Top Web Design Company Brainstorming Session

Not every web design company actually has a brainstorming session with the client – but every web design company should! The brainstorming session is what really kicks off the entire web design and development process. This is where all the FUN really begins! At Isadora Agency the web design process can’t begin until the brainstorming…

Our 5 Favorite Web Hosting Providers

Thinking about web hosting providers is usually one of the last items a client considers when working on a new website. So we put together our short list of our favorite web hosting providers to get you thinking about hosting a bit sooner. Don’t be fooled into thinking that hosting is not important. Let me…

iPad Web Design & Research

Will iPad web design and research one day rule the world?! The tablet has experienced a meteoric rise since the introduction of the iPad and now web design for iPad is all the rage. Ok, maybe tablets won’t rule the world entirely but the floodgates are open and there is no turning back folks! By…