Thinking about web hosting providers is usually one of the last items a client considers when working on a new website. So we put together our short list of our favorite web hosting providers to get you thinking about hosting a bit sooner. Don’t be fooled into thinking that hosting is not important. Let me tell you, there is nothing more aggravating than having your website go down for a couple days all of a sudden. Especially if your company depends on your website as a store front. Think of all the confusion this may cause your customers and the loss of business? What about trying to find answers when things are not working correctly and nobody in customer service seems available or knowledgeable enough to help you? Even worse is when you are put on hold for 30 minutes only to find out the representative who had no idea how to assist you accidentally hung up on you! We have seen and heard various examples of poor service when it comes to working with second rate web hosting providers so you definitely need to choose wisely.
Fortunately we have reviewed and provided a list of our 5 favorite website hosting providers below. While it’s true that no web hosting provider is perfect and that even the big providers (such as Go Daddy) do get hacked into causing downtime in service, the website hosting providers below should give you next to zero to worry about. We have actually worked with all of these web hosting providers for several years and can say these are great hosting providers to work with. The customer service is terrific and some of these providers are even available on weekends. The representatives are easy to get a hold of and very helpful when you need assistance. Every web hosting provider on our list has also received great online reviews from several customers.

Last but not least they are all very cost effective solutions as basic website hosting should not break the bank! You’ll find the prices for hosting services range from $4.00 – $9.00 month. For certain high performing websites that are more complex and/or use a robust content management system you may need to go with a virtual dedicated server. Your web design company should be able to point you in the right direction. So there it is folks! When you are about 2 weeks away from launching your new website do your research, review our list and select the right web hosting provider for your business!